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Sharing Great News from our Member Antoinette Taranto

October 05, 2020 9:39 PM | Simona Fava (Administrator)

We're excited to share this with you!

Real estate is a second career for Antoinette, during the day, she's the Chief Customer Officer for Health First Colorado and the Child Health Plan Plus. She's one of 25 finalists in the 2020 CX Leader of the Year! The finalists were just announced here:

It's an international award! We're proud of her and her team!


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IABA Colorado - Italian American Business Association
Incorporated in 2006 as a Colorado Non-Profit Corporation and under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code as a 501(c)(6) Business League, the same classification as chambers of commerce. Our corporate headquarters is in Denver, Colorado.

P.O. Box 151165

Lakewood CO 80215