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IABA Colorado

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November Board Meeting

November 02, 2019 8:00 PM | Simona Fava (Administrator)




Meeting called to order at 2:59pm.

Andrew welcomed us, and presented the agenda, hoping we can move quickly.

Andrew explained BOX…similar to DropBox. An easy way to share documents. 

Ann BJ went through the treasurer’s reports including P&L and the membership roster. She reported that we have (usually) about 24 members at a meeting, and typically the cost is slightly more since she adds tips. She went over budget items for 2020. She also talked about renewing our trademarks. She moved that we update and pay for renewing, seconded by Janet, all in favor. She then recommended that we get an updated Quickbooks account online – this would cost $42/month for the first year, then $70/month after. She moved that we use this plan for the first year, second by Janet, all approve.

Gina presented the Christmas Party proposal. (date Dec. 11) She went over the venue (Sons of Italy building) – the sponsors she’s gotten so far, menu, band and awards. Suggestion for awards – Italian of the Year might be for someone not in IABA. The goal is to bring other clubs to the event. Janet talked about the value of this event, making it special – so even though the cost is more, this is probably good for the club. The suggested ticket price would be $40 per person. This would include food, wine and entertainment. Janet talked about what awards have been in the past, adding something from the outside, while keeping IABA Member of the year and Business of the year. Other Italian clubs will be invited. Janet moved that we accept the proposal as presented based on 75 people at $40 per person, Andrew seconded, motion passed. 

Gina and Janet will get together and decide on Award categories and criteria and get back to the board.

By Laws:  Article II, Section 2.1 – the address should be P.O. box 151165, Lakewood, CO 80215.

Article III Section 3.1 – no change.

Section 3.2 – annual meeting – change to second Wednesday in January.

Section 3.3 – Monthly meeting needs to be second Wednesday of the month.

Section 3.10—Written ballots –add electronic ballot. 

Janet moved that we accept the changes/additions mentioned above; Andrew seconded. All approved.                   

Janet gave a report on monthly meetings….3 things to be done. She would like to focus on venues, and have someone else finding a speaker and work on networking. We need to have an agenda for each meeting/time line to follow. We need to stay on task. Bottom line is that there needs to be more people working on the meetings. We agree that Biz Bites are important, and we should have a business speaker. 

Discussed the decals that Joe Aiello had printed…they were put out at the Oct. meeting, and people took them.  There is some dispute about how much to pay for them…we actually did not approve this in advance. Janet will research how much he said they would be. Gina will contact the printer to discuss the invoice.

Andrew announced that because of a baby coming in January, he feels he must step down as president at the end of this year. 

Meeting adjourned at 5:20.


No pictures to show


IABA Colorado - Italian American Business Association
Incorporated in 2006 as a Colorado Non-Profit Corporation and under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code as a 501(c)(6) Business League, the same classification as chambers of commerce. Our corporate headquarters is in Denver, Colorado.

P.O. Box 151165

Lakewood CO 80215