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IABA Colorado

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August 05, 2019 9:32 PM | Simona Fava (Administrator)



MEMBERS PRESENT: ANDREW Murano, SIMONA Fava, JANET Lombardi, JOANNIE Flynn, ANNE Cucchi., ANN Bosso-Johnson, JOY Lawrance

Andrew called the meeting to order at 5:10pm.
Minutes were approved as corrected.

VP Reports from Janet
AutoMezzi was good, there was a lot of traffic (maybe 1500-1800 people) and many people to follow-up with. Ann Bosso-Johnson manned the booth.
Last meeting was a success – Cards drawn for the 10 min. Biz Bites at the next meeting were Joy Lawrance and Tish Gance
She has paid the deposit for the Italian Festival and mentioned that Joe Bergano has a stash of items we may be able to use as give-aways or for purchase. Janet will visit him and see what we might be able to use. Joannie suggested we limit any purchases to $100. She will also have a sign-up sheet at our next meeting for people to volunteer. She added that we may need to buy some lights for the booth. She would like to do an email blast with Simona’s help.
Andrew asked that she keep the board apprised about progress for this event, and since he will not be at the meeting on the 14th, he encouraged us to get people to sign up.
Sept. meeting will be at Mrs. Condi’s. No location for Oct. yet.

Anne Cucchi continues to reach out to people who “Like Italy” and invited them to the meeting on the 14th. We currently have 59 members.

Ann Bosso-Johnson reports that we have $5707 in our account. There are 15 business members and 42 individual members. She has made calls re: renewals. Directors insurance has been renewed. Upcoming expenses include the Italian Festival and the Christmas party.
(Janet will need the Insurance certificate for the festival – Ann will get that to her)
Simona requested that some gluten-free items be included in our dinners, and Janet will work that out with our caterers. We might include a section on the website for “special food needs.”

Since the next board meeting would happen on the Labor Day weekend, Joy moved that we meet on Aug. 26. Andrew seconded, all approved. Andrew then suggested that he would like to host the meeting at his home. He will reach out to use for details.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:53pm.


No pictures to show


IABA Colorado - Italian American Business Association
Incorporated in 2006 as a Colorado Non-Profit Corporation and under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code as a 501(c)(6) Business League, the same classification as chambers of commerce. Our corporate headquarters is in Denver, Colorado.

P.O. Box 151165

Lakewood CO 80215