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IABA Colorado

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Board Meeting

February 04, 2019 8:07 PM | Simona Fava (Administrator)


Attending:  Andrew Murano, Joy Lawrance, Simona Fava, Ann Bosso Johnson, Janet Lombardi, Gina Hallisey, Anne Cucchi, Tom Tancredo

President Andrew Murano called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.

Minutes had been distributed via email, and one correction was made about the PO Box address. Minutes then accepted as corrected.

Ann Bosso Johnson gave a treasurer’s report – there were 20 people at the January meeting, and we currently have $4755 in the bank. She also gave a summary of members:

Total    17, 2 in last seven days (Godfather Cannoli Company, Nancy and Phil Gumo)

  Individual Memberships: 

46 active

25 renewal overdue

1 lapsed

1 new

24 pending renewal

In regard to an email received from Wild Apricot, Janet Lombardi said there was no need for action on our part.

Andrew asked where we stand in reaching out to people who have not paid member dues – yet may want to come back. Janet said she is waiting for Joannie to return from her trip and they will follow-up.

Andrew will ask board members to propose agenda items following our monthly meetings and have an agenda in place 2 weeks prior to the board meeting.

Janet reported on the Feb. member meeting: It will be catered by Amici. She will pick up gelato for dessert (from our new member Amore Gelato) and has contacted Silvio Caputo to perhaps put something together such as “Love Italian Style.” She has new name tags for members. And since we need wine for the meeting, she offered to purchase it – all agreed. Gina offered chairs – and Janet agreed that we would need them.

There is nothing new on Festival Italiano, and Janet and Simona will work on contacting vendors.  Some future meetings have been scheduled – Bocce Ball and Mrs. Condi’s.

It was suggested that we need more restaurants to become members (Andrew said that Brodo has joined). We would like to have others for meeting venues, which would be a benefit to the restaurant as well as to IABA. Gina recommended Liberati (the board had met there in Dec.) and Anne Cucchi will follow up with them; Janet will follow up with Parisi, Ann (BJ) suggested Pietra’s and Romano’s; Anne knows about Rocca with good meeting space, and Janet will contact them. 

Discussion followed on how to get the restaurants to become members – many say they will, but then don’t. Gina will put a letter together for any new restaurants, emphasizing benefits of IABA, and Janet will follow-up with past locations. Andrew asked everyone to put together a list of possible places. Some mentioned were Grandma’s Noodles, Nonna’s, Pasta Pasta Pasta, Heidi’s Deli. (Janet will ask the Deli to perhaps cater the Bocce Ball event.)

Anne Cucchi reported a new member, Jill Giovanetti.

Andrew asked Ann B-J to report on total memberships at each board meeting. (Noted above)

New Business

Tom Tancredo reported on recent meetings concerning the Columbus Day Parade. Given the climate in the new state legislature (wanting to change it to “Colorado Day”) there seems to be little optimism about its future. He’ll keep us posted.

A By-Laws Review had been suggested at our last meeting, and it was agreed that a small group (of those who are familiar with the document) should get together to start going thru them. Gina offered to work with Janet and Andrew.

Andrew reported on the survey results from the membership. Bottom line, people want more of everything! One common theme was that people enjoy connecting with fellow members. There were no comments about money or charging more for better food. A variety of speakers is suggested. Andrew asked the board what we might do to make meetings more fun, varied.

Discussion followed on what the function of IABA really is. Tom asked if we were JUST Italian businesses; Anne Cucchi suggested we expand to “friends” who like Italians/Italy; Janet says our claim to fame is Italian Business, as opposed to other Italian organizations in the area. (This is clearly stated on our website.) Thoughts were: We need to reach out; many Italian businesses don’t know we exist; do we need a mission statement; we need to get a list of businesses; ask members to suggest businesses they know; establish a social media presence.  Janet will start visiting restaurants.  Board members are urged to send any suggestions to Joy.

Our next board meeting will be a conference call (as long as technical issues can be resolved).

The meeting was adjourned at 5:19pm.


No pictures to show


IABA Colorado - Italian American Business Association
Incorporated in 2006 as a Colorado Non-Profit Corporation and under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code as a 501(c)(6) Business League, the same classification as chambers of commerce. Our corporate headquarters is in Denver, Colorado.

P.O. Box 151165

Lakewood CO 80215