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IABA Colorado

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Connect with @DenverIABA on Facebook and Instagram to have the chance to be featured by us!

Click here  to download the 2025 IABA MEMBER MEETING CALENDAR.

Want to share your business as a venue for a member meeting?  We would love to spotlight your business and gather at your location. Contact Nick Picucci for more details. 

Meet the 2025 Board

From left:  Janet Lombardi, Ann Bosso-Johnson, LeAnne DiTirro, Susan Gurule, Simona Fava, Nick Picucci


The only Italian American Business Association in the state of Colorado (U.S.A.)

Dedicated to the development of businesses, trades and services throughout Colorado, nationally ,and internationally. IABA Colorado has a membership of entrepreneurs and professionals, each striving not only for the success of their own business and organizations but also for the success of others and of our communities. 

Join us now!


Next Meetings

IABA Colorado is open to Italian and non-Italian individuals, companies, and organizations who share our passion for promoting our mission.

Join us now!

WELCOME new Members!

Rick Chinisci

Ed Dionisio

Giana Greenwood
Brian Pignanelli

We are entrepreneurs and professionals from local, state, national, and international organizations.

Want to be featured in this spot? Send an email to:

IABA Colorado - Italian American Business Association
Incorporated in 2006 as a Colorado Non-Profit Corporation and under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code as a 501(c)(6) Business League, the same classification as chambers of commerce. Our corporate headquarters is in Denver, Colorado.

P.O. Box 151165

Lakewood CO 80215